Skibbereen Town Centre First Regeneration Plan Launched
Cork County Council has officially launched its Town Centre First (TCF) Regeneration Plan for Skibbereen. The ambitious but pragmatic plan for Skibbereen Town Centre represents the culmination of significant public consultation by Cork County Council as part of the national Town Centre First policy initiative.
Welcoming the launch of the plan, Cllr. Joe Carroll, Chair of the West Cork Municipal District deputising for the Mayor of the County of Cork, said that the plan was built on information gleaned from extensive public consultation and surveys, “This plan for Skibbereen strikes a balance between what is bravely ambitious and realistically achievable, and I would like to acknowledge the contributions of all who have participated in its development.”
The public consultation and plan development process for the Skibbereen TCF Plan commenced in July 2023. 930 submissions were received from the community and a Town Team of eight community representatives formed as a focus group with which the consultants and Cork County Council worked to shape the plan. A series of public engagement events held in the town culminated in a community display event in Skibbereen Town Hall in December 2023. The final plan contains 36 specific objectives, projects, and principles that have been identified through a collaborative and consultative process.
Chief Executive of Cork County Council, Valerie O’ Sullivan noted, “While Skibbereen is the initial ‘pathfinder’ town under the national Town Centre First initiative, Cork County Council is actively progressing a range of regeneration measures across towns in the county, covering areas such as sustainable travel, property activation and public realm enhancements. The plan for Skibbereen will now be utilised as a resource for all stakeholders and to support funding applications for the projects and objectives that have been identified.”
Copies of the Skibbereen Town Centre First Regeneration Plan are available in Skibbereen Library and online at and
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