Longford Town
Population: 10,952 (2022 Census)
Longford town is centrally located in the heart of Ireland and dissected by important transport corridors. Longford Town has been identified as a strategic portal to the northwest and south in recognition of its location at the junction of the M4/N4 Dublin/Sligo and N5, and due to its proximity to the regional growth centre of Athlone, which supports its role as a strategic employment centre. Longford Town experienced a 9.43% population growth rate between census periods from 10,008 in 2016 to 10,952 in 2022 which is higher than the state (8%) but lower than the county (14%).
Plans & Publications

County Longford boasts a stunning natural environment that greatly enhances the well-being of its community, enriches the quality of life, and enhances the county as a destination of choice to live work and invest. Longford’s primary employment sectors include commerce, trade, manufacturing, and a substantial agricultural industry.
The Longford Town Centre First (TCF) Plan is an ambitious strategy that sets out a pathway for the revival and revitalisation of the county town of Longford through key transformational projects. Our vision for Longford is to rejuvenate the town as a unique cultural, tourism and heritage destination through the further development of its physical, economic and social infrastructure.
Longford Town is currently completing their Town Centre First Plan come back soon to find out more.