
Population: 8,806 (2022 Census)

Lusk is a thriving town in Fingal, about 20km North of Dublin City Centre, with a nationally significant medieval core; it is one of the oldest and most significant ecclesiastical settlements in the north-eastern coastal region of Ireland. The preservation and enhancement of the town’s heritage is a critical factor in its future development. The town has functioned as an important rural settlement since the fifth century and acts as the urban centre for a significant agricultural hinterland. Lusk has high levels of employment, good quality housing stock, low levels of vacancy and benefits from a broad range of social, cultural, and sporting voluntary groups.

Plans & Publications

To sustain and thrive, Lusk must use its unique assets and resources to great effect, innovating and collaborating to create a socially diverse, economically vibrant and sustainable future; one that sustains its community while also attracting new skills, energies and resources.

For this Town Centre First Plan the Lusk Town Team established three Pillar Groups; the Community Pillar, the Business & Local Economy Pillar and the Public Realm & Climate Action pillar. These groups have worked closely with stakeholders to input on all aspects of this ambitious Plan.

This leadership, energy and level of engagement is extremely encouraging for the future of Lusk. Lusk is a growing town with a young population, the community groups in Lusk are committed to making Lusk a town with a high quality of life for all. This Town Centre First Plan – Lusk for Life – reflects that ambition, the measures outlined in the plan will help regenerate, establish and bring vibrancy into Lusk town centre.

The Plan sets out clear strategies and achievable actions to make the town centre a more attractive place to live, work, socialise, spend time, congregate, and run a business. It focusses on developing local community cohesion and amenities, supporting existing businesses, facilitating new enterprise, improving the quality of the public realm, and developing underused spaces.

The Town Team and community have demonstrated the appetite and commitment needed to improve the quality of life for all residents of Lusk, with support and guidance from the Local Authority, their ambitions for Lusk can be realised.