Public urged to help shape Milford Town Centre First Plan
It is the result of what people said during the first stage of public consultation on this proposed development which took place between February 16 and March 9 last, and translates the challenges identified and the ideas proposed into an ambitious yet realistic vision.
It has been prepared in line with the new National Policy ‘Town Centre First – A Policy Approach for Irish Towns’ and is regeneration and renewal focused with a view to strengthening the role, image, vibrancy, vitality and resilience of Milford town centre.

Welcoming the presentation of the Draft Town Centre First Plan for Milford, the Mayor of the Letterkenny – Milford Municipal District, Cllr Kevin Bradley, said he is delighted to see this continued focus on Milford and to bring a draft plan to the local community to get more feedback on the illustrative plan, actions and concepts that have been included.
“This is a significant opportunity for the people of Milford to identify the key priorities and regeneration opportunities for their town centre so I would strongly urge the whole community to engage with the consultation process over the next 4 weeks as it is crucial to hear the thoughts of the public to shape this vision for the future of Milford Town Centre”.
Donegal County Council’s director of community development and planning services, Liam Ward said the publication of the plan is an important milestone for Milford as it is the first such plan in the county and will help guide and facilitate the future development of the town centre and will assist and support future applications for funding across the public, private and community sectors.
“The Draft Town Centre First Plan contains a number of key regeneration proposals that respond to the issues, challenges, needs and opportunities which have emerged from the process to date and if achieved will greatly enhance the significance of the town and its offering in the future,” he said