Extensive engagement for New Ross Town Centre First plan
New Ross is one of the 26 National designated pathfinder Town Centre First Towns and have recently appointed consultants Cunnane Stratton Reynolds to complete the Town Centre First Plan for New Ross.
The Town Centre first policy and plans aim to create town centres that function as viable, vibrant and attractive locations for people to live, work and visit, while also functioning as the service, social, cultural and recreational hub for the local community.

“We have had extensive public engagement over the last number of weeks with stakeholders engagement days facilitated by the company ‘A playful city’ along with street surveys trying to gain an insight into public opinion as to what the town centre should be and what should be incorporated into the Town Centre First plan for New Ross,” said project lead Mick McCormack.
There is also a community survey which can be accessed using the following link bit.ly/NewRossCommunitySurvey
“We would encourage as many people to fill this in as possible. It is important that we hear from the public so we can create a shared vision for New Ross town with a strong community input.”
The consultants have also met with a number of stakeholder groups over the last few weeks gaining an insight and perspective as to how the needs and wishes of their respective groups can be incorporated into the Town Centre First Plan.
Cllr Michael Sheehan is the outgoing Chair of the Town Team, Mick McCormack TRO and the Town Team would like to thank him for all of his work and effort over the last number of months.
“The team are also looking forward to working with the incoming Chair Cllr Anthony Connick to drive the team forward and complete a urban design Plan for New Ross that will set out a vision for the town over the next decade and beyond,” said Mr McCormack.