Roscrea first in Ireland to launch new Town Centre First plan
Roscrea was the first in the country to make it out of the starter blocks last week, when the culmination of over five years of planning and behind the scenes work was unveiled in Damer House on Wednesday last, at a launch event attended by elected officials and local authority planners.
Also attending the launch were the members of Roscrea’s new Town Team with their leader Brian King, a group of stakeholders formed as part of the new scheme who represent the business and residential community.
The plan was built on information gleaned from extensive public consultation and surveys and strikes a balance between what is bravely ambitious and realistically achievable.
Roscrea is one of Ireland’s oldest market towns, an identity born at a crossroads on the ancient Slí Dala business thoroughfare which once transected the country and this shapes how the town is anticipated to evolve – where tourism and spaces dedicated to social activity are some of the most exciting proposed changes.
Speaking at the launch, proud and well known Roscrea native, Brian King said it’s particularly gratifying that Roscrea is the first town in Ireland to launch a town plan under the Towns Team initiative.
“I hope what can be achieved in Roscrea will be a beacon for other nominated towns around the country both now and in the future” Brian, the Town Champion who leads the Town Team, said.
“Roscrea has had many plans over the years – for our new town plan to succeed we need all the stakeholders to rally behind it. Open-mindedness and respect for the valuable input gathered from the local community during the consultation process are fundamental to the plan’s future success.
“For our town it’s important we think big and it’s important to have a vision. It’s also important for the growth of our town that we identify projects that are not just dreams, but that are achievable goals. I firmly believe that our plan embodies this spirit”, Brian King said.